HSSC Group C Exam Notice:- Haryana Staff Selection Commission has started preparing to take the papers of 10 more groups of Group C. After getting the green signal from the High Court to take the papers, the Commission is making continuous efforts to take the papers of the remaining groups.
The Commission has made preparations to take papers of five groups i.e. Group No. 30, 23, 22, 16 and 47 on 30th and 31st December. In this way, the Commission has made preparations to take papers of four groups i.e. 17, 43, 32 and 48 on 6 and 7 January 2024.
Commission Chairman Bhopal Singh Khadri said that about 27,000 candidates have been selected in these 9 groups in which educational and technical qualification is necessary. But the number of candidates with this qualification is less than four times.
He told that there are students in Group No. 8, Group No. 11, Group No. 12 and Group No. 13 who are less than four times the exam. The exam of these students is to be held on 30th and 31st December.
Punjab and Haryana High Court has currently put a stay on five issues in the TGT case. In this way, these five marks are also banned for the recruitment process for other posts of Group C. There are school holidays from 1st January to 15th January. Therefore the Commission has time to do the paper.
But due to restrictions on the marks of socio-economic criteria, there is currently a hindrance in conducting the papers for groups having more than four times the number of eligible candidates available.
According to Dainik Savera, if the Commission wants, it can do the papers of all the remaining groups, for this the Commission will make the cut off of the candidates according to the group according to the socio-economic criteria marks and shortlist the candidates without the socio-economic criteria marks.
For example, if there are 100 posts in a group, then according to the rules, the cut off including marks of socio-economic criteria comes to 55 percent to eliminate four times the 400 candidates. The Commission reduces the cut-off by five marks. Sort out all those candidates and take the papers of all the candidates, thus this number can be more than 400.
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If the High Court abolishes the five marks of socio-economic criteria, then the result will be declared only from those candidates who qualify without the five marks. If the High Court continues with five marks, then the result can be declared based on the merit of the remaining candidates after excluding the candidates without five marks.
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